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Zack Coater

Zack is more than just a master of clippers and scissors; he's a storyteller in his own right. With each snip, he weaves narratives of the town's history, sharing tales of generations past. His own journey began as an apprentice, honing his craft and learning the art of conversation. Over the years, he's become a trusted confidant to the community, offering a comforting chair and a listening ear. In that little barbershop, stories flow as freely as hair falls to the floor, connecting the past to the present, making Zack not just a barber, but a custodian of stories.

trevor dupin

Trevor has been working with Zack since late 2017 - before the inception of Bourbon City. Trevor has a passion for cutting hair and making sure clients are satisfied with their experience. Outside of work, he is an avid gymgoer.

Nick Randall

Growing up, Nick had a passion for cutting hair. In high school, he used to cut his family and close friend’s hair. He’s now been with the barber shop from the very beginning - in 2021. So come on down to the Clifton Neighborhood, and meet your friendly new barber. Cheers!!

Matthew Coontz

Matthew is a recent graduate of the esteemed Tri-City Barber Academy. He has been friends with the guys at Bourbon City long before joining. He is now focusing on building clientele and meeting new friends at The Shop.